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English translation Dutch Cancer Atlas available

English version Dutch Cancer Atlas

With the launch of the Dutch Cancer Atlas by the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) in January 2023, anyone can gain insight into the regional impact of cancer in the Netherlands. Now, the Dutch Cancer Atlas is also available in English; you can switch to English by clicking on the ‘change language’ button (with the flag) within the atlas itself. The interactive online atlas shows geographical patterns in cancer diagnoses, based on where people lived when they were diagnosed. IKNL analyzed these patterns for the 24 most common cancers in the Netherlands and for all of those cancers combined. Geographical variation can be observed for certain cancers, while for others, there is little to no variation. For all cancers combined, there is minimal geographical variation in the Netherlands.

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EHDEN Database Catalogue makes NCR data available across Europe

Findable standardized data at scale in OMOP-CDM

Findable standardized data at scale in OMOP-CDM

As data partner of the European Health Data & Evidence Network EHDEN, IKNL has made NCR data available for research in the OMOP Common Data Model (OMOP-CDM) enabling and speeding up the generation of reliable evidence. The EHDEN project started in 2018 aiming to address the current challenges in generating insights and evidence from real-world clinical data at scale. It will be continued in the EHDEN Foundation.


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New model predicts metastatic risk in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

3d visualisation of a graphic model

Epidemiologist Loes Hollestein, dermatologist Marlies Wakkee (Erasmus MC Cancer Institute) and bio-informatician Barbara Rentroia-Pacheco and other colleagues developed a model that makes it possible to make personalized assessments for metastatic risk from cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). The model was developed on a nationwide cohort from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and externally validated in a nationwide cohort from the National Disease Registration Services in England.

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